Wykład otwarty profesora Istvána Bóny i dr Brigitty Kürtösi z Uniwersytetu Sztuk Pięknych w Budapeszcie

Zapraszamy we wtorek, 13.11. o godz. 17.00 do sali 103 w budynku WKiRDS przy ul. J. Lea na wykład otwarty profesora Istvána Bóny i dr Brigitty Kürtösi z Uniwersytetu Sztuk Pięknych w Budapeszcie.
Dwie prezentacje (2 x 45 min) poruszą temat historii, technologii i konserwacji malowideł ściennych wykonanych w technice krzemianowej (prof. Bóna) oraz mozaiki (dr Kürtösi).
István Bóna Dr. habil, senior lecturer, painting conservator: Graduated in 1980 as painting conservator. Since then he is active in the field, both, on the conservation of mural and easel paintings. Amongst others he executed the conservation of easel paintings by Bernardo Strozzi, Tintoretto, Marco Ricci, Fontebasso and many valuable Hungarian artists. The mural works are very different: from the Bronze Age to the contemporary art. Probably the most important part of his activity is the conservation of Roman frescoes from archaeological excavations.
Since 1988 teaches in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. 2012 onwards he is a member of the Doctoral School of the same University.
Tuesday’s lecture :
The lecture will deal with the history, practice and conservation of mural art made by silicate technique. We have murals executed with this technique since 1825. The lecturer had an opportunity to take part in the conservation of one of the earliest waterglass paintings in Europe. This project turned his interest on this special field. The lecture will give a brief introduction of the waterglass technique.
Dr. Brigitta Maria Kürtösi: Doctorated (2017) and graduated as painting-conservator at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest. Freelance conservator and assistant lecturer in the same institution specialized on historical mural techniques and conservation. Supervisor in the MA conservation education. Main field is mosaic conservation/restoration and archaeometrical investigations on the historical mosaic materials. Aiming to fit the small, but particular Hungarian mosaic heritage into the international context, and to strengthen the education on mosaic techniques at HUFA.
Supervisor of international PhD students at Doctoral School of Pázmány Péter Catholic University specialized on the field of archaeological mosaic studies. Member of ICCM (International Committee for Conservation of Mosaics) and AIEMA (Assotiation Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaique Antique).
Tuesday’s lecture:
The proposed lecture is about the historical mosaic techniques in nutshell to give a short overview of the mosaic art and techniques used in the past. The presentation is dealing with the raw materials and the ancient methods through some case studies.